The Sobotta Sisters Blog! Gretel Pippi Longstocking Museum

Pippi Longstocking Museum

“WOW this place is amazing” I say as we walk into a large colourful building that is filled with laughing and playing children. I look around and I see Pippi’s house, Villa Villekulla with lots of kids running in and out of it. We walk over to the lockers and take all our things off. Mum then says

“This is Junibacken – the Pippi Longstocking museum.”

First we go on to a little carriage from a train and it takes us through a world of wonder with scenes from most of the books that Astrid Lindgren wrote. It is very exciting but gets a bit scary when we get lifted up off the ground and also when we saw a giant rat that was bigger than the children that were bathing in the sugar pot.

After the train ride we entered a room that had a life size Villa Villekulla that you could play inside of, with a slide and all sorts of things that Pippi plays with in the books. We played and ran around for about 30 minutes before all the curtains in the room were drawn and the lights went down. Out came 3 actors playing Annika, Tommy and Pippi Longstocking and they performed a magical show about how they met. They sang and danced and it was great! It was all in Swedish but I remembered what it was about from reading my English copy of the book I got from one of our Swedish au pairs.

Then we went to another room where it was like Pippi’s village and everything was just the right size. There we climbed through buildings and played in a big monkey that was very furry and had a slide on it. there were also little houses where you could pretend you lived in them.

We then went into a room where their were lots of black blocks and you had to build houses in any shape you wanted. There were some really tall ones and some really weird ones but my favourite one was the one with a dome roof and a winding walkway.

Breaking down the walls at Junibacken

6 thoughts on “Pippi Longstocking Museum”

  1. Wonderful descriptive essay Gretel interesting reading about your fun packed experience at the Pippi Longstrom Museum, Pippi’s story is a classic children’s literature read by many worldwide including you in Nashdale. Happy Christmas🕷 🎄

  2. Wow Gretel that sounds so amazing! What a great experience, and lovely to have made that connection back to your Swedish Au pairs. I’m sure your mum would have “loved” the rat too! Look forward to all your adventures, merry Christmas x

  3. Hi Gretel loving your journal entries it looks like your having an amazing trip in Sweden hope u had a great Christmas.

  4. Hi Gretel. I lived in Sweden many years ago and just loved it! Hope you all had a God Jul ock Gott Nyt Ar!
    Pippi Longstocking is one of my favourites.

  5. Gretel, you remembered to use a sizzling start also I love Pippi Longstocking. It’s 1 of my favourites -Elise T

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