The Sobotta Sisters Blog! Renate The plane and the tram

The plane and the tram

I was on the plane and when we took off I was crying because I was scared and a bit tired. I fell asleep straight away. When I woke up I felt much better because it was like I was in bed. I had some yummy weetbix with honey and watched a bit of TV. When we landed in Doha I didn’t want to get off the plane!

When we got back on the plane to go to Stockholm I wasn’t even scared this time. I sat next to Gretel. It was cold in Stockholm and covered in snow!

We went on a tram – it is a train that goes on the road that has its own railway tracks built into the road.

My drawing of a tram

In Sweden cars drive on the right side of the road so when you cross you look left, right, left. There are electric scooters you can hire everywhere but you have to be over 18

12 thoughts on “The plane and the tram”

  1. Hi Renate.💟 your flight to Stockholm was such a long journey happy you were able to have a good sleep and ready for all the lovely snow on your arrival. Lovely drawing of the tram Renate good to know you are learning and are aware of the different traffic rules its very important when out and about and the trams are awesome to travel in. Wishing you lots of happy days ahead for you. Omi”💞

  2. Hi Renate. Glad you had an enjoyable trip over to Sweden. Lovely to read your words. I’m glad you had weetbix too! Stay warm x

  3. Great post Nata, we are hot here in Sydney for Christmas, and just have to spend time at the beach with our boogie boards. Look forward to lots of stories of your adventures.

    1. hi Lacey i am glad that you wrote that letter and i really miss you. Love from Renate.

  4. What an exciting start to your trip! Sounds like you got used to flying. Keep the great writing coming!

  5. Happy New Year 2019 darling Renate, I loved hearing your Happy New Year wishes on the video call it was exactly 12.00midnight here in Sydney fantastic surprise, you looked very happy. We watched the 9.00 pm fireworks from Manly on our balcony and remembered the time you also saw them two years ago. I can’t wait to hear all about your next skiing progress because the videos I have on my iPad you skiing last year you will be an expert on the “piste” at the end of the two weeks. Drink lots of hot chocolate to keep you warm, big hugs think of you always ❤️🕷🐌

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