
I really missed my teddy bear because I had him since I was a baby. I liked the holiday because we met our au pairs and I really love them. I think the trip to Europe would be better if we had hair cuts and bigger bags to fit all our birthday presents in.    


Overall I thought the trip was awesome and I learnt stuff that I probably would not have learnt in Australia. I have seen things I definitely would not see in Orange or as far as I know, in NSW. I felt so good on the last plane from Doha to Sydney because I was finally HOME! My favourite place was Lapland, tell me either on comments or at school, what was your favourite part of our blog? Thank you for following.

I also learnt that I have never had so much homework to do!


Coming home: First was the plane from London to Doha which was six hours and very smooth then a three and a half hours at the airport and then thirteen hours on a another plane from Doha to Sydney with a bit of turbulence. After we had landed we caught a taxi to nan and pa’s house and spent two days there and we went to our omi and opa’s place for lunch and then we went home. As soon as we got home Renate ran straight up stairs picked up all her toys and gave them all a big hug! I missed all of my friends but when I see you all again it is going to be so good!

3 thoughts on “THE END (?)”

  1. So good to have you home but your holiday was amazing!
    You have all seen so much & have eaten so many different kinds of food.
    I agree G, Lapland was my favourite although there are so many things you did, and places you have been to it is hard to remember them all.
    See you all soon for a big hug! 😘

  2. Welcome home sobottasisters πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’œ
    These past seven months travelling around Europe and UK has been a wonderful adventure given you the opportunity to visit so many different cities enjoy eating their delicious food and be part of the community absorbing the history the culture and so much more and it will be an exciting part of your conversation when you are home and with all your friends.
    Opa and I followed your journey and read with excitement your awesome blogs each sharing your experience with great stories to tell and all your great photos always smiling.
    Happiness for Opa and Opa last Friday were the hugs with the Sobottasisters and Michael with a quick visit before going home to Orange. πŸ•·πŸŒ

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